af thomas | jun 1, 2016 | Events
I live in Germany, so Berlin is my home turf. Fancy hotels, good restaurants, trendy venues and charming old bars with a huge selection of beer. During the spring I was in Berlin with a Swedish customer, a plumber. Naturally they had to experience a bar where the...
af thomas | jun 1, 2016 | Events
Jeg bor i Tyskland, så jeg kender Berlin som min egen bukselomme. Flotte hoteller, gode restauranter, trendy venues og hyggelige gamle barer med charme og øl i lange baner! Jeg var i Berlin i foråret med en svensk kunde indenfor VVS, så dem sendte jeg selvfølgelig på...
af thomas | maj 31, 2016 | Events
In connection to the launch of the direct connection from Copenhagen with the A380 I was in Dubai to get a firsthand impression of this destination. Before I even set foot on the ground I was impressed by the service and facilities in the air. If you are looking for...
af thomas | maj 31, 2016 | Events
I forbindelse med lanceringen af den direkte flyforbindelse fra København til Dubai med Airbus A380, var jeg i Dubai for at få et førstehåndsindtryk af denne spændende destination. Allerede under flyveturen havde jeg oplevet super faciliteter og service. Er I på jagt...
af thomas | maj 31, 2016 | Events
Spring is always early in Provence, so in May we were on a tour with a group of VIPs to enjoy the sun and try out new venues and activities. Marseille has done a great job to change its previous bad reputation and today it is a very trendy destination with a pulsing...
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